Asai Tetsuhiko Shihan, 10 Dan IJKA. Kumite.
Asai Tetsuhiko Susheki Shihan chief-instructor JKA at the Moscow Stsge 1997. Assistent of the Sucheki Shihan Asai is Sensey Dormenko Andrey chief-instructor JKA of Russia. Video from archive of Shihan Dormenko 7 Dan IJKA.
IJKA Karate Stage in Moscow, November 2005.
Susheki Shihan Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan and Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan.
Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan Demonstration on the Gassuku JKA.
Moscow November 1996. JKA of Russia: fragment one of the DVD Video Film about The Stage...
Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan Demonstration on the Gassuku JKA.
Moscow November 1996. JKA of Russia: fragment two of the DVD Video about The Stage.
Chief-instructor IJKA of Russia Shihan Dormenko Andrey, 7 Dan IJKA.
Fragment of The Moscow Stage "Kote Kata Asai Karate IJKA".
Shihan Kato Sadashige 9 Dan IJKA and Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan IJKA to do demonstration of the kumite teckniks.
European IJKA Stage 2007. Hungary.
45th IJKA Stage in Moscow 2010. Shihan Kato Sadashige 9 Dan in action.
Shihan KATO, 9 Dan and sensei Dormenko
Stage JKA in Moscow Russia 1999.
Dai-itsu-ken no kata. Shihan Dormenko 7 Dan IJKA.
Stage in Irkutsk City, Russia 2007, IJKA Russia.
2nd JKA ASAI World Cup 1997, Lucern, Switzerland.
Demonstration of England Team, Russian Team Kata Sochin, Demonstration of sensei Kato, 8 Dan JKA
JKA Gassuku in Moscow 1997. JKA of Russia.
Asai Tetsuhiko Sucheki Shihan, Shihan Kato, Sensei Dormenko. Russian TV Programm (1-2 parts).
IJKA stage in Moscow. December 2011. Kibaken no kata (fragment).
IJKA Shotokan Karatedo stage in Moscow with Shihan Kato, 9 Dan. December 2011.
Shihan Dormenko 7 Dan and Sensei Shankin 3 Dan IJKA.
Kato Sadashige sensei 8 Dan JKA, chief-instructor JKA of Europe. JKA GASSUKU in Moscow 1997.
Kato sensei on the Moscow Stage IJKA in Decrmber 2011 .
Asai kata IJKA. Shihan Dormenko 7 Dan - personal student of Master Asai 10 Dan IJKA Russian Stage in Irkutst city (Sibirien) April 2007. "Kokutsu Dachi no kata"
Asai kata IJKA. Shihan Dormenko 7 Dan - personal student of Master Asai 10 Dan IJKA Russian Stage in Irkutst city (Sibirien) April 2007. "Junro Nidan". Authentic version.
Asai Tetsuhiko technikal IJKA stage. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan /personal student of Master Asai 10 Dan IJKA/ did the regular Russian Stage in Saratov city, Russia, November 2010.
Asai Tetsuhiko technikal IJKA stage. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan /personal student of Master Asai 10 Dan IJKA/ did the regular Russian Stage in Saratov city, Russia, November 2010. Kumite.
Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan in action. (Fragment of officiale Film about Asai karate system).
Kato Sadashige sensei 9th Dan on the Moscow Stage International Japan Karatedo Association.
JUNRO NIDAN. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan IJKA on the Traditional Karate Asai Stage in Moscow. October 2012. Fragment of training. It is authentic Kata Junro Nidan of Master Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan. International Japan Karatedo Association.
Meikyo Shodan Kata Shotokan Karate. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan IJKA. Traditional Karate Shotokan Stage and Asai Teysuhiko Kata special course in Moscow. November 2012.
Sensei Dormenko and sensei Raspertov. Enbu in Dojo for students demonstration on the training. Moscow 2013.
Asai Tetsuhiko, Kato Sadashige, Kagawa Masao, Dormenko Andrey. Japan Karate Association stage 1994 Year. Demonstration clip. Full version - one hours on DVD.
Семинар в Москве сэнсея Кагава Масао 8 Дан JKS, который он провёл для членов Национальной Федерации традиционного шотокан каратэдо России в конце октября 2007 года. Интервью Мастера Кагава.
Meikyo Nidan Kata Shotokan Karate Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan IJKA. Traditional Karate Shotokan Special course in Moscow of the Great Master Asai Teysuhiko 10 Dan Kata IJKA. November 2012.
Интервью с Дорменко Андреем Владимировичем 7 Дан IJKA и материал из блога Сергея Власова, которое он разместил после поездки в Москву на семинар Мастера Като Садашиге 9 Дан 8-10 марта 2013 года. http://svlasov.livejournal.com/.
Беседа с Мастером Като Садашиге о Ката Шотокан и их эволюции. Продолжение Московского семинара IJKA 2011 (после двух двухчасовых тренировок) в гипермаркете на фудкорте (семинары Като сенсея не прерываются никогда и только залом никогда не ограничиваются. Тренировка может продолжиться в любом месте - как и в этом типичном случае). Осс!
Семинар КАТО Садашиге, 9 Дан в Москве в марте 2013 года. 20 минут позитива. Это только небольшой фрагмент последнего дня трёхдневнного семинара.
Интервью Японского Мастера Като Садашиге 9 Дан - шеф-инструктора IJKA, которое состоялось в Болгарии 2010 году. Русский текст - Сергей Власов http://svlasov.livejournal.com/. Thank you very much.
48й традиционный регулярный семинар в России замечательного японского сэнсея, руководителя Международной организации IJKA Като Садашиге 9 Дан, который прошёл в марте 2013 года в Москве.
Shotokan Karatedo regular Stage in Russia Shihan Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan, chief-instructor of Russia. Rostov-on-Don city, July 2013. National Federation of traditional Shotokan Karatedo of Russia - allrussian non profit organization.
Shotokan yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Conversation about Karate, Karate shotokan, Asai Karate and develope this Budo Martial Arts with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF in November 2014.
Part one (from 4).
Shotokan yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Conversation about Karate, Karate shotokan, Asai Karate and develope this Budo Martial Arts with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF in November 2014.
Part two (from 4).
Shotokan yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Conversation about Karate, Karate shotokan, Asai Karate and develope this Budo Martial Arts with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF in November 2014.
Part three (from 4).
Shotokan yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Conversation about Karate, Karate shotokan, Asai Karate and develope this Budo Martial Arts with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF in November 2014.
Part four (from 4).
Summer Camp of Russian Shotokan Karatedo Federation in Rostov on Don City, June 2013.
Chief-instructor Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF.
Gankaku Bunkai no Kata. Fragment 1.
Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF. More 38 years stady and 36 teaching karate shotokan, 24 years als professional karatedo shotokan instructor only. shotokanrus@hotmail.com
Last Stage IJKA of Shuseki Shihan Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan in November 2005. Moscow, Russia. First Part from Video block about Stage. Sensei Dormenko Andrey 7 Dan IJKA chief-instructor of Russia Shotokan Karatedo Federation is assistent of Asai Master. It is Last active technical stage Asai Tetsuhiko in World.
Master Camp ISKF 2014, USA
Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF - active presentation of Nijushiho kata no bunkai. Stage in your city - This is very easy - To write: shotokanrus@hotmail.com
Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF - active presentation of Kumite technik. Stage in Moscow city october 2014.
Enbu (Beshenov-Pogodin)= All Russian Traditional Shotokan Karatedo Federation Championship 2015. February Moscow 2015.
UNSU Kata Shotokan - taiming of kata - Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF
ISKF Stage in Irkutsk city (Russia)2015 April. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF world instructor, exsaminer category "A".
Семинары в городах России: shotokanrus@hotmail.com
ISKF KARATE Master-cource with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF,
Chief Instructor Traditional Shotokan Karatedo Federation of Russia, international instructor, Examiner of "A" category ISKF. Goryachiy Klyuch, Russia. November 2015.
ISKF KARATE Master-cource with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF,
Chief Instructor Traditional Shotokan Karatedo Federation of Russia, international instructor, Examiner of "A" category ISKF and ISKF Black Belt Championship "ISKF Karate Revolution 2015". Moscow, Russia. November 2015.
ISKF Master-Stage in Rostov on Don city (Russia) 2016 January. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF international instructor, exsaminer category "A" ISKF.
Jho Kyo Sho Se no kata. Authentic form kata of Master Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF. Karate Stage in Moscow city (Russia) 2019 April. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF is international instructor, exsaminer category "A" ISKF, Shihan of Asai Karate - World Asai Karate cystem, higher Dan Rang instructor in Asai school .
Jho Kyo San Se no kata. Authentic form kata of Master Asai Tetsuhiko 10 Dan with Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF. Karate Stage in Rostov on Don city (Russia) 2016 January. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF is international instructor, exsaminer category "A" ISKF, Shihan of Asai Karate - World Asai Karate cystem, highest Dan Rang instructor in Asai school .
ISKF Master-Stage in Krasnodar city (Russia) 2016 October. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF international instructor, Vice Champion of the World ISKF Championship 2016 ( Cape Town, South Africa), exsaminer category "A" ISKF.
ISKF Master-Klass in Moscow city (Russia) November 2018. Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF international instructor "A" category, exsaminer category "A" ISKF. Kata Hykuchachiho (shotokan karate analoge of kata "suparimpei")
ASAI TETSUHIKO Shihan 10 Dan. Karate Demonstration in Budapest city 2000 Year. Video from Shihan Dormenko Andrey 8 Dan ISKF is international instructor, exsaminer category "A" ISKF, Shihan of Asai Karate - World Asai Karate cystem, highest Dan Rang instructor in Asai school .